Monday 26 February 2018

Nikola Tesla Blvd - Hamilton Ontario Canada

MTO installed NEW QEW signs denoting exit 90 in accordance with the City of Hamilton Council decision of October 14, 2015 to rename a section of Burlington street to Nikola Tesla Blvd.
The Burlington Street signs on the QEW have been replaced with Nikola Tesla Blvd. this past weekend. QEW EXIT 90 now is Nikola Tesla Blvd.
There are 4 signs For Erie bound and 3 signs Toronto bound. In addition there are 3 Tourism-Oriented Directional Signing.
These signs were the key to the Nikola Tesla Blvd name change. They will be seen by 250,000 travelers daily. This is the very significant point as it will be the single most visible exposure for Nikola Tesla in the North America and probably even the whole world.
This development will raise questions and awareness. The average person has no knowledge of the name change, why the change, nor who Nikola Tesla wasand why his namewas selected.
All of this was the inspiration Nikola Tesla Educational Corporation (NTEC) and paid for by donations raised. 100% of the costs were paid for by NTEC costing the taxpayers $0.00. Details of all of this can be can be obtained from the Nikola Tesla Educational Corporations website or from the many articles reporting the development since September 4, 2014 and then again in October 2015. Excess donation will be going to awards and $10,000.00 scholarships that will the the NTEC primary expenditure as they work to raise awareness of Nikola Tesla through education of our youth. NTEC has already awarded Nikola Tesla Innovation awards at the Bay Area Science and Engineering Fairs. Now that NTEC has more funding, the BASEF and other awards will increase significantly.

(This original post from Facebook's TESLA Magazine - found here  ) 

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