Sunday 19 February 2017

Occupy Unmasked [ an expose by Andrew Breitbart, USA ]

Canada had its own organized 'leftist' movement called Occupy as well ... I know because they banned me from their Occupy Fredericton Facebook page because free speech bothers them a lot ... like all lefties [collectivists] .. this experience was my introduction to how these people operate and bully others.. while pretending they represent everyone .. they ultimately are social change agents who practice groupthink.

To understand more about 'community organizers' check out this more recent film .... click here [ USA ] A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing ... Saul Alinsky, an American 'radical' .. [a man who visited Canada in the 60s to meet with natives and tell them they needed to get rid of the Indian Act]

Sunday 12 February 2017

Safe Water Moncton - New Brunswick [now on Facebook]

Activists including Jennifer Jones [Moncton teacher] are attempting to convince the current mayor/council of Moncton New Brunswick to continue the current practice of not fluoridating the water supply after five year pilot project of not using hydrofluosilicic acid to 'improve dental' health by putting it into the bodies of humans and animals .. and for that matter plants/food ....  I found this article by CBC's reporter Tori Weldon of Sackville NB .. link here online.... what's interesting to me is that Ms. Weldon, a young mother of two, does not bother to actually properly define 'fluoride' .. which is inaccurate reporting and is very unhelpful .. perhaps if she bothered to speak to me she could get informed and educated on this topic .. I know she is aware of my work in this area so is this really journalism or just another 'hack' employed by CBC?  Boycott the CBC .. it is an arm the technocracy that is government funded and controlled -- not for the people and not in our collective best interests at this point ... sad .. I think woefully inept non-factual reporting serves no humans at this point and I propose #defunding CBC...   Hydrofluorosilic acid is not good for your health nor is it a necessary additive... it was removed five years ago for good reason... and its unlawful and unethical to add harmful chemicals to the public drinking water.  Period.

Hard to believe that Tori makes a living doing this 'reporting' .. but apparently, less information is good for the plebs out there .. not more .. thanks to Jennifer Jones for fighting the good fight.. unpaid, of course.  Note to Tori:  try a little harder to be useful honey... it might actually help the humans who live around here.

Saturday 4 February 2017

Alex Epstein ~ The Human Flourishing Project 2017

Check out the new "Human Flourishing Project" with Alex Epstein at his website
Alex is one of the great humanists, philosophers, change makers of our time
and I cannot recommend his book "The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels" enough to folks..
it will help you think about energy from a human perspective with more depth...

Thursday 2 February 2017

What Would Happen if Water Fluoridation Stopped?

Big thanks to Dr. David Kennedy... he has supported my work thru the years ... he's a terrific advocate for human health and well being! He is featured in the crowdfunded film "The Great Culling" [youtube viewing]

I feel very blessed to have the support of Gary O. Pittman, USA... and have read his book along with Christopher Bryson's book "The Fluoride Deception" essential reads on this topic.   Photo below:  Books by Christopher Bryson & Gary O. Pittman.